Showing posts with label GagaDaily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GagaDaily. Show all posts

Jan 27, 2012

New Tweet of Gaga Daily

As you know Gaga Daily, an official site which has contact with Gaga, and her record label, I think they should know what the next single, and where published this tweet, where mention 3 songs, "Heavy Metal Lover", "Bloody Mary" and "Government Hooker" but does not mention, the song most voted by the Little Monsters, which is "Scheiße",

We believe it is Heavy Metal Lover is the next single, for 3 reasons.

  • This tweet where mentioned the song
  • Confirmation of Amazon.
  •  The Audition in Los Angeles for new dancers, the casting was done with a choreography of Heavy Metal Lover.

Everything points that is Heavy Metal Lover!

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