Showing posts with label Gagavision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gagavision. Show all posts

Sep 8, 2011

“Born This Way” becomes the 2011′s biggest chart debut to date

Lady Gaga’s Born This Way is the 2011′s biggest chart debut to date with the massive 1.1 million in sales in June.

The launch of BTW rivaled some summer blockbusters, complete with a barrage of magazine cover stories, late-night TV appearances, an HBO special, the “Gagavision” webisodes, guest editorships of magazines, a deal with game maker Zynga for a custom version of “FarmVille” called “GagaVille” and the coup de grace, a 99 cent download deal with that seriously helped goose first week sales.

Born This Way became the first album since 50 Cent’s 2005 “The Massacre” to cross the million mark in its debut.Including her singles and albums,it makes Lady Gaga one of the best-selling musicians of all time.

Aug 15, 2011

More Information about of "BTW" in USB key

There have been reports that the album Lady Gaga "Born This Way" will be released, as well as on the album The Fame Monster-in USB key form of limited.
The total size of the USB can be 2 GB and contains some items, and new remixes, plus videos, photo shoots and even GAGAVISION.
Have been revealed alleged photos of the USB, and the content, such as the structure.

But nothing is confirmed yet:
SONGS (bonus track):

Born This Way - Hits Desi!  Remix
Judas - Desi Hits / Salim and Sulaiman Remix
Judas - Thomas Gold Remix
The Edge of Glory - ElectroLightz Remix
The Edge of Glory - Radio Mix Mayor Cahill
Government Hooker - DJ White Shadow Remix Mugler


"Born This Way"
"The Edge Of Glory"
GagaVision (41, 42, 43, 44)


Mariano Vivanco Photoshoot
Photos of "Judas" video
Photos of "The Edge of Glory" video

Jul 6, 2011

Lady Gaga prepares new surprises

The singer has had a meeting this morning with fans on Twitter, so that has answered to several questions, and Gaga said some things very important.

- Gaga says her new tour will be worldwide, and visit countries like: (Singapore, India and Latin America).

- Gaga continue with "GaGavisión" has much material.

- Gaga prepare a surprise performance on her return to America, one of her performances in tribute for "Clarence Clemons".

- It has also announced the next single and is already working on her video.

- Confirm the name of her new tour "Born This Way Ball".

- Gaga confirmed that she non-stop singing her hits in the "BTW Ball", such as: Pokerface, Just Dance, Paparazzi, Dance In The Dark & Love Game.

Apr 28, 2011

Interview with Lady Gaga on Fuse TV

Television, American Fuse, has done an interview to Lady Gaga, and even in Gagavision no 44. appear some pictures.
This can be seen in the American channel on May 17.

Images of Gagavision 44


What do you think of this new episode GAGAVISION no. 43

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