Feb 21, 2012

Lady Gaga fue la última artista en requerir los servicios del líder espiritual Deepak Chopra, ex doctor del legendario Michael Jackson. Según una publicación del diario Dailystar.co.uk, Lady Gaga manifestó que una fuerza sobrenatural intenta apoderarse de ella mediante sus sueños: "He estado teniendo un recurrente sueño en el que un fantasma me lleva a una habitación donde se encuentra una chica rubia, atada de pies y manos, y en el que las cuerdas se tensan, tirando de sus miembros. Le conté a Deepak que la horrible pesadilla podría significar que una fuerza maligna intentaba apoderarse de mí", dijo Gaga. El diagnóstico de Deepak fue una carcajada, el aliento para que no se preocupe por la situación y un consejo sobre asumir...


                                                           El productor de Lady Gaga, Fernando Garibay, ha concedido una reciente entrevista a MTV donde habló sobre el álbum "Born This Way" y de los preparativos que se están llevando a cabo para el nuevo perfume de nuestra Mother Monster. Él comentó que Lady Gaga no está segura sobre lanzar un nuevo sencillo de su más reciente álbum, ya que el tiempo no es lo que le sobra. Las grabaciones de un video se verán muy ajustadas debido a que actualmente tiene demasiado trabajo con los preparativos para el inicio de su nueva gira: "Lady Gaga esta...

Feb 18, 2012

Gracias a los Virgin Media Awards. Por los votos de mis fans me llevé a casa 5 premios, incluyendo mejor álbum y mejor canción por Born This Wa...

Feb 9, 2012

A solo 3 dias para los grammys XD

solo faltan 3 días para esta tan esperada noche y hay muy buenas expectativas de un posible show espectacular dado por nuestra hermosa gaga . ademas es la favorita en la mayoria de las encuestas realizadas    para arrasar con todo los premios .. que emoción :)                                       &nb...

Feb 7, 2012

Images Lady Gaga arriving at Brentwood School, CA - 04.02.2012

In these images we see Gaga arriving at the Brentwood School in Los Angeles, campus where she attended the "Young Women's Conference". ...

New photo of Lady Gaga for the HBO special


Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney spotted out in Los Angeles 03.02.2012

Gaga and Taylor Kinney were spotted last Friday, February 3rd, leaving a restaurant in Los Angeles. ...

Gaga again among the finest in the world

This time has been the site of the United Kingdom "Ask Men" which has published a list of the 99 most beautiful women. The position of each is based on a previous survey. Gaga appears at #52.Other celebrities who appear include: Nicki Minaj #59, Jennifer Lopez #58, Penelope Cruz #48, Megan Fox #27, Adele #20, #16 Beyoncé, Rihanna #8 and #7 Kate Perry and many othe...

A Courteney Cox likes Gaga

The popular American actress, Courteney Cox, well known thanks to the series "Friends" with the character of Monica Geller and her films "Scream", posted on her twitter her opinion about Gaga...

Gaga could be named best female artist of all time

The website "VH1" is doing a survey, to which we can vote to elect the best female artist of all time, the best artist of the 80's, 90's, the best artist and best pop artist rock. Gaga appears on lists of best female artist of all time and best pop act.In the category of best female artist of all time becomes complicated thing, it faces the likes of Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Cher, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Björk, Amy Winehouse and Britney Spears among many others.Vote HERE as many times as you w...

Feb 6, 2012

Orbit used by Gaga in "Bad Romance" exposed in the Rock N´ Roll Hall Of Fame

The orbit used by Gaga in the hit music video "Bad Romance" is on display at the  Rock N´ Roll Hall Of Fame...

Lady Gaga’s Parents’ Restaurant Gets Bad Reviews

Lady Gaga’s parents, Joseph and Cynthia Germanotta, opened their restaurant, Joanne, recently and the reviews have been horrendous. Restaurant critic Steve Cuozzo gave an extremely detailed review to the New York Post.Most people understand that when a restaurant first opens, it may not be running like a perfectly oiled machine–things happen, and staff usually needs time to get into the groove of things. Well, other than running poorly, Cuozzo explained that the new eatery was, “running mainly on acrid-smelling burnt vinegar wafting intermittently through the raucous dining room.” Wow, that was harsh! Cuozzo then explained that he felt sorry for the chef–Art Smith–who is known as a genuinely talented chef who stays out of the limelight.The...

Lady Gaga attends Young Women’s Conference‎ at Brentwood School

Gaga has made a surprise appearance at “It’s Our Turn: Young Women’s Conference” at Brentwood School, California. Gaga was interviewed by Brentwood resident and journalist Maria Shriver, where she talked about bullying and The Born This Way Foundation. Check out pictures below: ...

Feb 5, 2012

Lady Gaga's Monster Ball wins Tour of the Year award

Gaga, who has been teasing fans with little snippets of information about her forthcoming new tour, has told fans that her Monster Ball has won an award. The ‘Born This Way’ superstar took to social networking site Twitter late last night, February 4, to tell her 18.8 million fans that her last tour, which featured a visually stunning set made up of subway cars and flaming pianos, has been given a special accolade:“Ah! Such a tremendous honor, The Monsterball won TOUR OF THE YEAR at the Pollstar Awards last night. Thank you so much!!! Next tour is soo...

TV Guide issue a new documentary about Gaga

It has been released in the USA a new documentary on Lady Gaga called "Chasing Gaga". In the documentary that gives TV Guide Networks, will see the famed journalist Ian Halperin trying to figure out, how Lady Gaga has grown to become the global superstar that is today. You can check the schedules her...

Natali joins the "Haus Of Gaga"

Natali sister of Lady Gaga, has joined the creative team "Haus of Gaga". She herself has confirmed through her twitter account. As you know, Natali studying fashion, and Gaga has already used some of her creations such as the shoe piano when Gaga sang "Yoü And I" on Oprah. ...

2 New Images Gaga backstage at "Right To Rock"

These images were taken on 20 October at the backstage of the show "Right To Rock" held in the city of New York....

Gaga will show the new stage on day 7

  Gaga tweeted that on Tuesday February 7, hang a picture of the new stage for their next tour! It has also confirmed through twitter, which is already sorting out the setlist of the show! Trust is lacking, very little to meet the new tour dat...

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