Apr 30, 2011

Lady Gaga with her Fans "Monsters"

Lady Gaga at the output of the taping of Oprah Winfrey! she so pretty as always, she posed with her fans for a photo.April 29, 2011.  Here 2 Videos: ...

Lady Gaga on Interview for CKOI Radio Montreal (Canada)

On April 28; Gaga has confirmed that it has finished recording the last song for the new album "Heavy Metal Lover" and the videoclip of  "Judas ", due out on May 5 during the broadcast of the program, U.S. "American Idol" listen here: http://www.ckoi.com/montreal/audioplayer-emission.php?mp3=99...

"Interview MTV Güik" Part 1 and Part 2

Part 1:  Part 2: ...

Lady Gaga in "The Graham Norton Show"

May 13. Lady Gaga, appear in the BBC1 program "The Graham Norton Show" has been confirmed that Gaga performances "Judas" and "Born This  W...

Oprah with a kiss of Gaga, after an Interview

The presenter Oprah Winfrey, climbed in her account on Youtube, a video recorded in her dressing room, where she teaches, your cheek, with red lips, heavily marked of Lady G...

Lady Gaga is confirmed in the Oprah Show

It was confirmed that Lady Gaga on Interview for the Oprah show,  4th of May, in which she sings "Jud...

New Photo Lady Gaga on the Ellen Show


Apr 29, 2011

Lady Gaga has been nominated for three categories on "MTV Japan"

Lady Gaga besides being the host of the premise "MTV Japan" has been nominated for three categories for her new job.- Best female video, "Born This Way "- Video of year "Born This Way"- Dance music video "Better "Born This Way...

Lady Gaga in the Show of Oprah?

Many rumors say that Gaga, would perform on the show on May 2.Gaga's last performance in the program: ...

New video of interview with Ellen Show


Lady Gaga won two "MTV Music Awards"

Lady Gaga has won two new awards "O Awards" on MTV. These awards are given by popular vote, and the categories where it turned out, winner "Most Innovative Artist"and "Artist most followed on Twitter. "Gaga, could not attend but left some videos of gratefulness.Congratulations #QueenGaga O Music Awards O Music Awa...

New announcements of HBO

Born This Way: Bad Romance:  Dance In The Dark: Telephone: ...

Lady Gaga celebrated with a party! her last "Monster Ball Tour"

On Wednesday Jan. 27. Lady Gaga ended in U.S.A in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, of her tour "Monster Ball". To celebrate the last show in the country, Gaga decided to organize a party with the theme of the British Royal Wedding.The place where the party was held was in a room backstage, the show decorated with British flags, typically British dishes, including cucumber sandwiches.A source told the Daily Mirror: "Gaga has had a great time. even had moments where she has spoken with a Cockney accent (very marked English accent which is spoken in parts of England) and even Gaga, wearing a crown, crowned to her mother.Gaga, take care all the details, asked everyone to behave as if they were in the royal party. The dancers were dressed...

Apr 28, 2011

Lady Gaga's full interview on MTV Güick


Imagen of Monster Ball HBO


Interview with Lady Gaga on Fuse TV

Television, American Fuse, has done an interview to Lady Gaga, and even in Gagavision no 44. appear some pictures.This can be seen in the American channel on May ...

Download Episode 18 of Glee "Born This Way"

Complete episode, is available in English with Spanish subtitles.  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JKN8DPV...

Instrumental of "Electric Chapel"

Lady Gaga - Electric Chapel Extended Instrumental by gotoghd Some of the lyrics to this song are: "Follow me, do not be scared! We're going to dance dance dance with Our Hands Above Our ​​Heads hands hands like Jesus! CHAPEL ELECTR...

Images of Gagavision 44


Gagavision 44 + Electric Chapel

On GAGAVISION no. 43, shows a fragment of a new song "BTW" I guess is "Electric Chapel ",a title previously unknown  (in the last images of video we see a paper written by Gaga, which can be read at the end, "Electric Chapel ").Gaga, mentioned it almost a year ago, in her interview for Show Studio, as you can see here (minute 9:40): Gaga says in this interview "I wanted to create a place for my fan's to feel safe, an Electric Chap...


What do you think of this new episode GAGAVISION no....

Image of Lady Gaga with Rick Genest,

better known as "Rico Zombie...

Advancement of the interview, MTV Güik

 A few days before her concert in Mexico. The full interview this April 28 at 21:00 pm on MTV: ...

Advancement of the interview with Ellen Show


Interview Lady Gaga for "DayBreak" on-set recording, of Judas

First Part: Second Part: ...

Apr 27, 2011

Lady Gaga anxious and excited; for will come to México

Lady Gaga, said in an interview conducted by Diego Alfaro, a correspondent for MTV, the video will air on Thursday. Gaga said: "I'm very excited to visit Mexico. I can not believe that I going to sing in a stadium. The last time I was in Mexico, was with "New Kids On The Block". It was long ago...I would have liked to return before. said the singer-songwrit...

Lady Gaga sleeps in her stage costumes

Gaga; has admitted that she often wakes up still wearing the outrageous wigs, make-up and outfits that she wears while performing and says her habit of forgetting to undress before she goes to bed amuses her friends when they visit her.She said: 'My best friends who often will crash at hotels where I'm at ... they will come visit me on the road, they always call me a beauty queen disaster.'I wake up and my wig's falling off my head. My mole is on the other side of face. My fake mole, it's not fake it's surrea...

Image HQ: Lady Gaga at the "Ellen Show"


Tracklist of "Born This Way"

These are the official songs of CD single #BornThisWay01.Marry the Nigth02.Born This Way03.Americano04.Bad Kids05.Bloody Mary06.Electric Chapel07.Government Hooker08.Hair09.Heavy Metal Lovers10.Road to Love11.Sheibe12.You and I13.Judas14.Edge of Gl...

Glee-Born This Way Official Video


Lady Gaga with fans, leaving the recording of Ellen Show Photos + Video

Lady Gaga has been seen with fans, leaving recording of program "The Ellen Show", on the night of April 26/2011. Gaga told them that the album is officially complete and that it would present at that time to Interescope. ...

Apr 26, 2011

Lady Gaga success, in selling magazines

Lady Gaga becomes the number 6 in the position of the artists with more covers of magazines sold. The ranking puts to Gaga, as one of the most desirable women as magazine cov...

Lady Gaga donates $1 million to the poor of New York

Lady Gaga has recently teamed up with New York City’s Robin Hood Foundation, which is an organization known for fighting poverty. Gaga and the foundation have decided to donate one-million dollars to five different charities around the city, and fans can vote for their choice of charity on Facebook! Gaga will be performing at Robin Hood’s gala on May 9th, where the results will be announced. Vote here: http://www.facebook.com/ladyg...

Lady Gaga would appear on the Oprah program and Graham Norton

According to recent rumour, the singer Lady Gaga would appear on the Oprah program and Graham Norton. Although not confirmed, but it would be great to see more performances of G...

"Judas" will be released on May 13

According to information from the producer, the CD single from the new hit of Gaga, "Judas" will be released on May 13 in Euro...

Lady Gaga Interview for MTV GÜIK

This thursday, we can see Lady Gaga, interviewed on MTV GÜIK, a few days of her concerts in Mexico.look here a preview of the interview: http://vimeo.com/22867...

Lady Gaga rehearsing in Ellen Show

Images of Lady Gaga rehearsing now; for her performance in the Ellen show, which  will be recorded soon. ...

Picture the stage to the performance, of Lady Gaga, in the Ellen DeGeneres show

Ellen DeGeneres, tweeted the next  message, accompanied by a photograph. In the picture we see, a sort of church windows, With what will surprise us, Gaga this ti...

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