Apr 29, 2011

Lady Gaga celebrated with a party! her last "Monster Ball Tour"

On Wednesday Jan. 27. Lady Gaga ended in U.S.A in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, of her tour "Monster Ball". To celebrate the last show in the country, Gaga decided to organize a party with the theme of the British Royal Wedding.

The place where the party was held was in a room backstage, the show decorated with British flags, typically British dishes, including cucumber sandwiches.

A source told the Daily Mirror: "Gaga has had a great time. even had moments where she has spoken with a Cockney accent (very marked English accent which is spoken in parts of England) and even Gaga, wearing a crown, crowned to her mother.

Gaga, take care all the details, asked everyone to behave as if they were in the royal party. The dancers were dressed as Princes Will and Harry and other members of the royal family.


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