Jun 30, 2011

Performances Lady Gaga for Taratata


Interview Lady Gaga for Taratata


Photo Lady Gaga posing with Japanese fans


"The Fame Monster" has sold 25 million digital copies

Web information  Yahoo.com today announced that  the album Lady Gaga - "The Fame (Monster)" Overall,  digitally sold 25,054,000 copies!  This album has thus become the most successful album in digital history.  In second place is an album of Black  Eyed Peas - "The END" with 18.112 million retrievals  and in third place with Rihanna's album "Good Girl Gone Bad", which was digitally downloaded and paid 17081 000th Congratulations Ga...

New Image of Gaga for the Interview of NHK9 + (Video)

This photo was made, during the recording of an interview for Japanese NHK9 program. In this interview she spoke about the disaster in nipon. The image, Gaga went up in her new account on Tumblr. Here the Video: ...

Gaga in Interview for program Japanese Sukkiri

Lady Gaga gave an interview on the program Japanese Sukkiri. Gaga, has donned a funny look; GAGAPANDA ...

Tweets of Gaga

In the picture we see to Gaga posing with a doll of Hello Kitty characterized as her, this is what I comment   And this tweet with a new hairstyle ...

Photos Lady Gaga in Japan


June 26 Lady Gaga in Tokyo

The first photo shows to Gaga, with fans and the second in her hotel room. ...

Lady Gaga leaving Gonpachi restaurant in Tokyo


Photos of Lady Gaga at the Backstage of MMVA

Gaga getting ready before acting.   ...

Download Lady Gaga Performance in "MTV AID Japan"


Tweet of Gaga

Gaga has tweeted this image with this message: ...

New Tweet of Lady Gaga

Gaga tweeted her performance on "MTV AID Japan" and has also talked about gay marriage in NY. ...

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