Sep 8, 2011

“Born This Way” becomes the 2011′s biggest chart debut to date

Lady Gaga’s Born This Way is the 2011′s biggest chart debut to date with the massive 1.1 million in sales in June.

The launch of BTW rivaled some summer blockbusters, complete with a barrage of magazine cover stories, late-night TV appearances, an HBO special, the “Gagavision” webisodes, guest editorships of magazines, a deal with game maker Zynga for a custom version of “FarmVille” called “GagaVille” and the coup de grace, a 99 cent download deal with that seriously helped goose first week sales.

Born This Way became the first album since 50 Cent’s 2005 “The Massacre” to cross the million mark in its debut.Including her singles and albums,it makes Lady Gaga one of the best-selling musicians of all time.


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