Oct 10, 2011

Info About the Video "Marry the Night" + PHOTOS

- There are people who say seen to Lady Gaga, on the set of "Marry The Night".

+ Rumors
- Gaga use a gray wig, and will play a dancer.

- In others say that the video will display the twin towers and the Statue of Liberty.

- Apparently the video will have lots of choreography, some of it with the arms.

- The guys wearing leather pants, and they do not wear T-shirt while that the girls wear tights, like dancers.

- The video is inspired by the movie, "The Black Swan."

+ This was confirmed

In addition, the video will be a surprise. Dina and Pepper, the two dancers who accompanied, to Gaga in her start, appear in the video.

Dina and Pepper

Nicola Formichetti on the set of Recording, "Marry The Night Video"


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