Jul 11, 2011

Lady Gaga has been interviewed by Sydney Morning Herald

Gaga In the interview, talked about marriage equality in Australia and worldwide.

"We're still trying to figure out in my country how to balance the very strong religious beliefs that exist amongst many government officials,'' she said. "As well as balance the modern social beliefs of the young generation."

She was dressed in a red bra, long red woollen skirt and towering red heels, and had blue hair and huge sunglasses.

But she doesn't think there is anywhere near as much debate among the generation buying her music, where ''equality is non-negotiable''.

''To not allow marriage equality is a very strong statement that is coming from the government, which in turn creates a sense that some people are more valuable than others and that some people deserve to have more rights or a more favourable interpretation of rights than other people," Gaga said. ''This is the thing that we're fighting against."

She's fighting them with electro pop songs, dance songs and, latterly, touches of classic rock via the saxophone of Bruce Springsteen's sideman, Clarence Clemons. Fighting them, too, with the epitome of modern marketing genius, which has made rebellion controversial and lucrative again by attracting millions who feel locked out, or maybe just overdressed.

Outside the hotel yesterday fans gathered around the front door and the garage exit while others had booked rooms in the same hotel so they could legitimately sit in the foyer.

Inside the hotel, radio contest winners were allowed in, clutching presents such as a bottle of Jack Daniels and roses. Some dressed in what you might call mini-me outfits (from clock fascinators to vivid make-up) and were able to tell the hotel staff trying to move them on, ''We are with Gaga''.

And apparently they are. The limited-ticket concert in the Town Hall is, Lady Gaga has said, for the fans she calls "my little monsters''. We can see what they get from her, but what does the artist formerly known as Stefani get from them?

''Inspiration. Creative inspiration," Lady Gaga said. "Bravery, courage, the spirit of celebration of life and liberation. It is their relationship with me and my music that drives me forward. They are everything.''


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