Sep 1, 2011

Lady Gaga is the largest, according to "Rolling Stone"

After naming her as the new queen of pop and so replace to Madonna. The magazine Rolling Stone has developed a new list that ranks the biggest artists of music and leads to Lady Gaga ranking at #1

Mary Tevez, the famous magazine editor, was responsible for collecting records that each artist has achieved so far, taking into account the revenue for their tours, their discs and digital downloads, the amount of awards, scores positive reviews, global social networking and visits to YouTube.


Earnings per tour: 148.6 million dollars
Album sales: 7,186,000
Digital Downloads: 33,419,000
Awards Ranking: 40
Rating criticism of their records: 147
Average of friends in social networks: 50.1 million
Views on YouTube: 937,187,703

Considering these points, the ranking is as follows:

1.Lady Gaga
2. Taylor Swift
3. Rihanna
4. Britney Spears
5. Beyoncé
6. Katy Perry
7. Miley Cyrus
8. Ke $ ha
9. Shakira
10. Adele


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