Sep 6, 2011

Lady Gaga join ‘I Will’ 9/11 Commemoration

All this week, Americans will be taking time out to reflect and remember the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. As part of that commemoration, MTV parent company Viacom has teamed with artists including Lady Gaga, Nas, DJ Pauly D, Julianne Hough and Drake Bell to launch a national day of service campaign that asks, “What will you do to remember?”

The multi-platform public service campaign is designed to inspire Americans to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the attacks by committing to good deeds, charity or volunteer service.The “I Will” campaign asks participants, “Ten years later, what will you do to remember?”

    “We were in disbelief,we all watched the second tower fall together.” Lady Gaga says in the promo, remembering how she as a New Yorker witnessed the attacks.

Beginning Today,September 6th,through Sunday, Viacom’s networks will air specially produced “I Will” public service announcements featuring artists and actors, including Gaga, Fran Drescher, Pauly D and many others along with Viacom employees. 


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