Oct 23, 2011

Darius Khondji Talks about Lady Gaga "Marry The Night Music Video"

Director Darius Khondji yesterday gave MTV News an exclusive interview in which he spoke of cooperation with Lady Gaga on the clip for the single "Marry The Night", which with Gaga recently shot in New York. Darius was really excited about the collaboration and told that we expect any surprises associated with the release clip.
"It's an amazing artist. It has its own way of being and acting for the cameras. We have very similar views. Gaga in the video sings, dances and jumps as the queen of the night. She is a true queen of New York, and all the gloomy darkness."

Some fans argue that the clip will appear in unicorns, but Darius refuses to gossip like:
"There are rumors that the video will be unicorns, but in fact nothing like that will not. Gaga is an artist that is constantly changing, so these speculations are false."
The exact date of release of the new clip "Marry The Night" Darius did not reveal anything, but had to hear that we had this Monday Gaga wreaks some surprises:
"The date depends on the release clip, Lady Gaga and her team, so it does not matter to me. But on Monday, you may have" little surprise "
So what awaits tomorrow is yet unknown. It will be a demonstration of the clip, a new photo? Who knows?


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