Sep 5, 2011

Jo Calderone is popular costume this Halloween 2011

Many people have already been getting their Halloween costumes for 2011. Yes, it IS that time of the year already!

The popular stand out, thus far, in Halloween costumes for 2011, is the Lady Gaga Jo Calderone costume, seen at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards.

The Jo Calderone costume sports a white T-shirt underneath a loosely fitting black suit. It includes a “greaser” wig and fake cigarette.

For those looking to go with the popular trend, make sure you get this now as the wigs may prove to be the difficult piece to the finishing puzzle. Stores may very well sell out of this accessory.

Another accessory to this costume, albeit an optional one, is that of a prosthetic penis. Lady Gage reportedly wore this accessory during the full evening of portraying the Jo Calderone character. However, this fact was very little known and came out after the concert. Again, it is certainly very much in the optional category.

For those Lady Gage fans who wish to do her homage but are not fans of the Jo Calderone option, there are several other Lady Gaga costumes based on her various unconventional performances that are suitable for the evening as well.


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