Aug 11, 2011

Simon Cowell has revealed that he would have rejected to Gaga

Simon Cowell has revealed that he would have rejected "Poker Face" singer Lady Gaga if she had auditioned in "American Idol" before becoming a superstar.

Cowell, 51, stated that he would not have appreciated the 25-year-old singer if she had showed up in one of her crazy costumes.

“She would have been thrown out within 10 seconds. It would have been one of the kooky auditions,” the Daily Star quoted him as telling Life and Style magazine.

However, Cowell admitted that the singer’s success has made him ponder about the flexibility one needs to have to find such talent.

“Now you have to be more open-minded and embrace that level of expression. You hope to God you can find someone like her,” he added.


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