Nov 21, 2011

Lady Gaga opens Workshop at Barney’s New York

Lady Gaga took over the role of Santa Claus at Barneys New York last night (Nov. 21). Mother Monster arrived at the department store looking like a snow angel wearing a fanciful white Chanel tweed jacket over a gigantic teacup skirt that would have put the Mad Hatter to shame. Polishing off her look with a giant pair of fluorescent scissors, the singer cut the ribbon to her own version of “Santa’s Workshop ” that includes colorful displays of cookies, press-on nails, leather jackets, and even a armadillo-shaped Alexander McQueen shoe made of chocolate for $95.
“There’s all sorts of affordable presents here, and they are guilt-free,” Ms. Gaga said as she delicately sipped tea from an elaboratly decorated tea cup (which Barneys is selling for $65).
Taking up 5,500-square feet of the Men’s section, all of the Gaga goodies are set around manic and cartoon-like sculptures by artist Eli Sudbrack, that appeared to have crawled out of The Nightmare Before Christmas.
“Oh, it’s fun,” the singer mused on the space. “It’s the dream of what music and culture are all about, and those are things that can get lost when you focus too much on commercialism. This is, for me, a much more whimsical approach, a Pop Art approach.”
Standout installations include an 8-foot Lady Gaga-turned-spider sculpture, and a boudoir in the shape of a giant wig.
Barneys New York is donating 25% of sales from the 220 Lady Gaga-themed gifts featured in the Workshop to the Born This Way Foundation.
Check out pictures of Lady Gaga at Barney’s New York opening her workshop, which opens from today until January 2nd.


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